Friday, August 29, 2008

USB PIC Programmer

The Serial PIC programmer shipped with i-Style book doesn't work with USB to Serial converter, although it passed initialization process.
So I decided to buy a new USB programmer, very expensive programmer, ET-PGM PIC USB V1, 1500 BHT.

Its speed is sooooo impressive, about 1-300 times faster than the old one!!!
It also has ICD2 (RJ-11 - telephone jack) port, so it can be used as software oscilloscope too.
This example circuit receives 38kHz infrared signal from TV remote control.

I think it's a little cheap now. ;-)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Mom's Netbook

Do you believe that she's 57 years old?

ASUS Eee PC 1000H 10" = 18900 BHT
LG Super Slim DVD = 2700 BHT
Mouse = 600 BHT

[See all photos]

Saturday, August 9, 2008

First photo from HTC Touch Diamond

Taken by a Pocket PC phone. Most of them have a crap camera, but not this one. ;-)

Auto Fish Feeder

PIC 16F627A microcontroller was used.
There are ROM 1kB , RAM 256 bytes.
Can choose frequency per day (1-6 times a day).
Can choose feeding level (1-10 level).
The food in syringe is enought for about 1-1.5 month.

[See all photos]