Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Watch blocked YouTube video

Sorry. This post was not available in English.
คลิกที่ เพื่ออ่านบทความเป็นภาษาไทย

Monday, September 29, 2008

Digital Clamp Meter

I got this stuff from Baanmooh (again) a few days ago.
Digital Clamp Meter, 350 BHT.
- Contactless electrical power consumption measurement
- Digital volt/ohm meter
- Continuous measurement with sound alert

Let's do some test now.
Then you will know that you should leave it plugged-in to avoid spark,
or should un-plug it to save energy cost.

Electrical EquipmentหPower consumption (mA)
Home theater 600 Watts (stand by)0
Home theater 600 Watts (booting)120
Home theater 600 Watts (running)140-150
Lamp 20 Watts70
HTC Touch Diamond charger (not charging)0
Nokia charger (charging)0
Adapter 9 Volt 1 Amp (Amorn)0
Hatari fan (speed 1)140
Hatari fan (speed 2)160
Hatari fan (speed 3)210
LCD Dell 19" (off)30
LCD Dell 19" (on, black picture)150
LCD Dell 19" (on, white picture)160
PC (2 months) (off)0
PC (2 months) (on)39-40
Laptop Dell 12" (off)0
Laptop Dell 12" (on, light load)100-120
Laptop Dell 12" (on, heavy load)150-180
Printer Lexmark All-in-One (off)20
Printer Lexmark All-in-One (on)20
Printer Lexmark All-in-One (Scanning)20-30
Printer Lexmark All-in-One (Printing)50-70
PS. "0" means unable to measure (less than 10 mA).

Oh God! LCD monitor and printer always consume power eventhough they are turned off. (=_=")
They should be added some "real" switchs.

[See all photos]

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Modify Laptop's SD Card Reader

Last night I have modified my laptop (Dell Inspiron 710m)
- Change SD card reader
- Fix DVD drive connector
- Fix keyboard light
- Apply CPU Silicone

I decided to change SD card reader because the old one cannot read SD card larger than 2GB (so funny).
And I've found a very cheap card reader, only 180 BHT.
It can read almost every cards, except Compact Flash card.
It can also read SDHC (SD High Capacity) too.
I used to add USB hub, so I still have 2 USB ports available.
I did't dare to remove the old SD card reader chip, only SD card slot was removed.
Now I still have 1 USB port available.
Maybe I'll add a small webcam, or 12" touch panel. ;-)

[See all photos]

Onkyo HT-S3100

After looking for almost 2 years, finally I bought it.
Onkyo HT-S3100, 11800 BHT

It's a digital amplifier from Japan.
Just plug the power cord, connect all speaker cables, and S/PDIF data cable.
No more messy cable. Better sound quality.
It can also transform stereo signal into DTS NEO 6, better than Dolby Pro Logic II (I think).
Many functions are available. Also has a red lamp on remote control.
The sound quality is much better than Sony Home Theater,
but worse than harman/kardon. Maybe the system hasn't burned yet.

- Show temperature : Press DISPLAY+STANDBY buttons, then release and press TONE button.
- Show firmware version : Press DISPLAY+STANDBY buttons.
- Factory default settings : Press VIDEO 1+STANDBY buttons.

[See all photos]

Add lyric into MP3 file

To add lyric into MP3 file
You can use either Windows Media Player or Mp3tag.
If you use Mp3tag,
(Mp3Tag can also add other tags into MP3 file.)
1. Drag and drop MP3 into Mp3tag window.
2. Right click -> Extended Tags
3. Click Add field button, enter UNSYNCEDLYRICS into Field.
Enter lyric into Value.
for English, type eng||bla..bla..bla...
for Thai, type tha||bla..bla..bla...

To display lyric in Winamp
1. Install WinLyrics
2. In Registration window, click on Register>>> button, then you'll see the Registration Key.
3. Use keygen.exe to generate Activation Key from Registration Key.

To display lyric in Windows Media Player
Click Play -> Lyrics, Captions, and Subtitles -> On if Available

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

WordPress Installation

After fighting with WordPress 2.6.2 for about 2 hours.
Because it displayed only blank page after pressing 'Install'.
Searching in Goooogle, and found this website
Oh shit!!! It's WordPress's bug. Installation works well after bug solving.
Yeahhh!!! Now I have my own blog!

Then disabled Post Revision function, or the database will be filled up with many garbage posts.
Added this command into file wp-config.php
// Disable Post Revisions
// To delete existing revisions, use this SQL query:
// DELETE FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = 'revision';
define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', false);
define('AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL', 86400);

Then installed Wordpress PDA & iPhone 1.2.6 plug-in for access from mobile phone.
These 3 agents were also added.
PPC, WindowsCE, Mobile

And activated Akismet 2.1.8 plug-in (built-in) to block spams.

And installed Related Entries 2.04 plug-in from this website
But the table can't be modified to be FULLTEXT.
So I Goooogled (again). And found that the wp_posts table needs to be changed to MyISAM.

Next, Thai localization. I choose this website
Followed the installation from this website

Then installed Language Switcher and 2.6 patch for multilingual support. (Only 2 languages are enought)
And added some Quick Buttons into file /wp-includes/js/quicktags.js

Added language link into file /wp-content/themes/.../single.php (insert after <?php get_header(); ?>)
$old_url = str_replace('&langswitch_lang='.$langswitch_lang_pref, '', $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]);
$old_url = str_replace('langswitch_lang='.$langswitch_lang_pref, '', $old_url);
if (!empty($old_url)) $old_url .= '&';
print '<div align=right>Language : <a href="?'.$old_url.'langswitch_lang=th">ไทย</a> | <a href="?'.$old_url.'langswitch_lang=en">English</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </div>';

And enabled some modules.
Also installed Dashboard Widget Manager 1.3.1 plug-in to manage Dashboard.
Added StyleSheet into file /wp-content/themes/.../style.css
table.code {
border-style: solid;
border-width: 1px;
border-color: #a0d0a0;
background-color: #f0f0f0;
font-family: courier;
text-align: left;
padding: 0.1em 0.5em;

To use static page as a front page:

Then installed StatPressCN.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

PIC VU Meter

I spent 2 days with this.
VU Meter using PIC Microcontroller.

No audio cable needed. Just plug in the power cord.
It can be placed anywhere. Very high sensitive microphone can receive even whisper.
(IC LM386 which are used in spy microphone circuit.)
PIC 16F628A microcontroller is used to do DSP (Digital Signal Processing) and AGC (Auto volume gain controller).
Currently it has 12 modes of running light.
If there is no sound for a while, it will switch to running light mode.
Then switch back to VU meter when sound was detected again.

[See all photos]