Sunday, September 14, 2008

PIC VU Meter

I spent 2 days with this.
VU Meter using PIC Microcontroller.

No audio cable needed. Just plug in the power cord.
It can be placed anywhere. Very high sensitive microphone can receive even whisper.
(IC LM386 which are used in spy microphone circuit.)
PIC 16F628A microcontroller is used to do DSP (Digital Signal Processing) and AGC (Auto volume gain controller).
Currently it has 12 modes of running light.
If there is no sound for a while, it will switch to running light mode.
Then switch back to VU meter when sound was detected again.

[See all photos]


Unknown said...

hi could you send me a schematic , pcb design and codes for this project please. i would like to make one myself.

Unknown said...

hi could you send me a schematic , pcb design and codes for this project please. i would like to make one myself.

my email address is

Unknown said...

Hi .Send me a this project please with schematic , pcb design and codes. my email address is

Daniel said...

Hi man could you send me the project with schematic , pcb design and codes for this project please.
Did you have the idea to use rgb leds, it maybe be awesome.
my email is:

Razvan said...

Hy. Can you send me hex file and schematic PLEASE to

luong van viet said...

hi could you send me a schematic , pcb design and codes for PIC VU METER please. i would like to make one myself.

luong van viet said...

hi could you send me a schematic , pcb design and codes for PIC VU METER please. i would like to make one myself.
my email address is

Unknown said...

Wow great project!I appreciate your creative work keep it up...PCB

savasyildirim said...

hi pcb hex dowbload you mail