Monday, September 29, 2008

Digital Clamp Meter

I got this stuff from Baanmooh (again) a few days ago.
Digital Clamp Meter, 350 BHT.
- Contactless electrical power consumption measurement
- Digital volt/ohm meter
- Continuous measurement with sound alert

Let's do some test now.
Then you will know that you should leave it plugged-in to avoid spark,
or should un-plug it to save energy cost.

Electrical EquipmentหPower consumption (mA)
Home theater 600 Watts (stand by)0
Home theater 600 Watts (booting)120
Home theater 600 Watts (running)140-150
Lamp 20 Watts70
HTC Touch Diamond charger (not charging)0
Nokia charger (charging)0
Adapter 9 Volt 1 Amp (Amorn)0
Hatari fan (speed 1)140
Hatari fan (speed 2)160
Hatari fan (speed 3)210
LCD Dell 19" (off)30
LCD Dell 19" (on, black picture)150
LCD Dell 19" (on, white picture)160
PC (2 months) (off)0
PC (2 months) (on)39-40
Laptop Dell 12" (off)0
Laptop Dell 12" (on, light load)100-120
Laptop Dell 12" (on, heavy load)150-180
Printer Lexmark All-in-One (off)20
Printer Lexmark All-in-One (on)20
Printer Lexmark All-in-One (Scanning)20-30
Printer Lexmark All-in-One (Printing)50-70
PS. "0" means unable to measure (less than 10 mA).

Oh God! LCD monitor and printer always consume power eventhough they are turned off. (=_=")
They should be added some "real" switchs.

[See all photos]

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